Thursday, February 4, 2010

Way on Making $100s a day No Startup Cost – For Newbie

If you are newbie and want to make money online with no startup cost, so this is for you.

I’m here just want to share this working method that can produce some income for the newbies. I just want to share with you how the way newbie can make even more than $100 a day with no cost. If you are making atleast same as I made so this is not for you, I’m happy for you.
I’m not a good writer so sorry for the miss spell and grammar.

This method is very simple, You can use this method to profits from Adsense, I don’t know what’s more to tell you about this. This method just for newbie who needs and desperate on making money with easy way. This is step by step guide, so if you are follow you will making money.

Remmember, this is just for newbie so it must be easy do...

Someone will ask for Money Back Guarantee.
Yes, this is working method so I have to back up with 100% money back guarantee.
If you implement this method and still not making any money I will full refund your money. All you have to do is let this method works for you. That’s fair. So, nothing to worry about.

If you have any questions you can post here on this thread.
This is not like, hate, old, new, or anything method that some people ask, I’m not offer something like that, I’m just offer working money making method. And this is just for newbie who are seriously on making money.

If you are looking for long and good science ebook, so this is not for you, but if you are looking for an easy step by step guide on making money, this is for you.

So, what to do?

1. Order the method
2. Follow the step by step guide
3. Start making money

As simple as that.

If you are ready and serious on making money so you can order now for the special price, stop guessing and wasting your time, order now get the details to start make money

Special Price $17

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BlogSlammer Traffic System - Ultimate Blackhat Wordpress Plugin/AutoBlogging System

Build 1000's Of Niche Sites Per Domain

In Minutes!




Hello Everyone,

Introducing BlogSlammer ServerX Traffic System. It's a niche site blog marketing system on steriods. This system includes scripts, videos, plugins, and the ServerX RSS Feed Regenerator used to create blogs that self grow and SELF MARKET.

These are UNLIKE ANY autoblogs you see today. They are UNIQUE and are GUARANTEED to get indexed and ranked. I am a blog marketing expert and have created these tools to achieve the success I enjoy today.

* Create Self Growing Blogs In Minutes
* Build Thousands of Blogs On Your Wordpress Sites
* Acquire Links To Your Web 2.0 Properties
* AutoTweet Your AutoPosts To Get Traffic Instantly!

Links and content are the two things needed to get any site ranked and get the visitors you need. This system will take care of both aspects for you and is perfect for just about any marketing niche/campaign.

My system allows you create self growing blogs in minutes that acquire links from your other worpdress blogs automatically. These self growing blogs are unlike any other self growing blog in that they are UNIQUE. It will generate content for you and it will encode duplicate content to make it unique.

These sites when using regenerated RSS feeds pulled from ServerX (included ad-supported access) create UNIQUE sites that pass copyscape and get indexed and ranked. Content is king and Unique Content is the HOLY GRAIL.

This site passes copy scape and posts full articles found on article sites. The ServerX RSS Feed regenerator will take any DUPLICATE source RSS feed and transform it into a UNIQUE RSS Feed for you to pull into your Wordpress blogs.

Included in this sale is AD-SUPPORTED access to ServerX Hosted By Us (You Can Upgrade For Your OWN Version At Any Time), the BlogSlammer Plugin (used for auto posting, auto linking, and auto tweeting), MU Hacks Needed To Create Search Based Blogs, And HOURS OF Training videos and Documents.

This system allows you to create blogs that earn in minutes.

It does not stop there. It also has an autotweet function that will randomly tweet a random blog post to your twitter account. This function allows you to spin {...} your tweet to make each one look natural and unique to your followers.

So What's Included In this Package?

* The BlogSlammer Wordpress Plugin
* The BlogSlammer Wordpress Hacks
* Complete Step By Step Documention
* Access To My Blog Marketing To Success Webinar Videos (HOURS OF CONTENT)
* BlogSlammer ServerX Ad-Supported Access For RSS Feed Regeneration
* BlogSlammer Desktop Edition And SiteSlammer! For Windows (bonus)

The bonuses themselves are worth EVERY penny of this sale in that I have sold hundreds of these for much more than the low cost offered here.

Order Your Copy Now At Only $17.00!

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Will I need to pay you to have access to server sounds like I get get it now but will I have to pay for it down the road?

Nope. Most users end up buying it down the road end up buying it so that they can control it on their server... but it's free for all that purchase this for life.

Can I pull from any RSS feeds?

YES.. Any RSS 2.0 complient feeds.. there are many sites that say they have rss feeds but they are not RSS 2.0 complient feeds. With that said, if you go to you can find feeds there by simply searching for them that are rss 2.0 complient.

How do you get rid of the links that people put on there post that you pull in does this remove them automatically or do you have to do them manually.?

Links remain... That's not too bad given the fact you are using their content... For the most part, I have never even thought of this as a problem cause I use amazon and ebay feeds for the most part.

What advice would you give on hosting? I'm sure that even several dozen sites on standard shared hosting would put severe stresses on it.

I am running BlogSlammer.Net on 9.95 hosting with about 30 autoblogs going now with zero issues.

Is there a minimum requirement that you recommend hosting-wise if we were to build a serious amount of sites?

This system is scalable meaning you start a site on shared hosting and move it to dedicated once the traffic comes in. Getting fired from your web host due to human visitors is the best thing that can happen to a site. I means you are making money.

Over 5000 AutoBacklinking whois and DNS Sites!

Submit you new unindexed site directly to a large variety of domain, whois, and DNS statistic web sites. These backlink sites are highly visible to the major search engines and will quickly spider, aggregate, and link to your web site, many within the same day of submission. Since these domain statistic web sites are frequently visited by the major search engines, you gain instant visibility to search engine robots, instant boosting of web site backlinks, and ultimately, increased traffic to your web site.

This is just a text file of the sites, just replace the url with yours!

Price: $9.00

Payment: paypal, moneybookers, alertpay

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